I think that just about covers it, so hope you and yours are celebrating with joy and wonder and peace. Weather here in Beijing is delightful, no snow! Yea! The wind is blowing fiercely however.
Our tree is up, decorated, cookies are made, family handmade cards (naturally) have been made and sent last week. It is unknown if they will arrive to their destination however or even on time (doubtful) BUT it is the thought that counts right?
Last night as I packed cookies for my husband's office staff, I notice there was a serious shortfall--of cookies! How they all disappeared amazes me! My husband could not have eaten all of them so quickly and he has been away on business for over a week. Hmmmmmm, did he manage to hide them in his luggage BEFORE HE LEFT? You bet! When I asked, the answer was--gee--ah--gee--ah I don't know, with a giant grin on his face.
I tried to imagine him suffering along the Silk Road at 10,000 feet, cold at 28 below but he did have his cookies to keep him warm. LOL Okay, so the staff doesn't get all the cookies I had planned for them, so this morning I talked with his office manager to be sure they had received those I had sent with him today, just in case and was informed that yes, the cookies had arrived and he had shared.
Okay, I guess Santa will leave him a present after all.
My intent today was to post the photo of the card I made him for Christmas, and that of my granddaughter's surprise box card for her 13th birthday, but after searching through his drawer of computer connections and various other electrical paraphernalia somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 or so, at least, I could not find my camera cable. Imagine that. So no photos till I find the cable. Sorry once again.
Have wonderful holidays